Premier Food Sensitivity Test


The Premier Food Sensitivity Test (Also known as the Platinum Plus ALCAT Test) is the most comprehensive food sensitivity test available and testĀ for 250 food intolerances, 30 food additives/colorings and environmental chemicals, 50 functional foods and medicinal herbs and 20 molds that can activate the immune system, and 20 antibiotics/anti-inflammatory agents. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods. This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.

  • Understand your food sensitivities
  • Connect with provider for an in-depth 30 Minute Review
  • Receive Full Digital Report of your results
  • Receive tailored recommendations to improve your wellbeing


The Premier Food Sensitivity Test (Also known as the Platinum Plus ALCAT Test) is the most comprehensive food sensitivity test available and tests for 250 food intolerances, 30 food additives/colorings and environmental chemicals, 50 functional foods and medicinal herbs and 20 molds that can activate the immune system, and 20 antibiotics/anti-inflammatory agents. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods. This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.

  • Understand your food sensitivities
  • Connect with provider for an in-depth 30 Minute Review
  • Receive Full Digital Report of your results
  • Receive tailored recommendations to improve your wellbeing