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Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Help Reduce Migraines?

hormone replacement therapy and migraines

The Connection Between Hormones and Migraines

There is a strong link between how often migraines happen and changes in hormone levels, therefore there is a link between hormone replacement therapy and migraines. This link is particularly clear for women, whose migraines often happen during their periods, pregnancy, and menopause.

Estrogen, a hormone that controls pain and inflammation responses, is a big part of this. By changing the release of neurotransmitters and chemicals that make blood vessels wider, changes in estrogen levels can cause headaches.

Understanding the complicated relationship between changes in hormones and the development of migraines is helpful for creating personalized treatment plans and developing targeted therapies, which ultimately improves patient results.

To better understand how hormones cause migraines and look into possible treatments that might make them less severe, more study is needed.

Role of Estrogen and Progesterone in Migraine Occurrence

Particularly in women, a few hormones, primarily progesterone and estrogen, can induce headaches. People who get migraines are more likely to develop them and believe they get worse when their estrogen levels fluctuate, such as during pregnancy or menopause.

The development of migraines is significantly influenced by cholinergic substances and receptors, such as CGRP and serotonin. Estrogen can alter the behavior of these molecules.

menstrual migraine

Alternatively, some of the harm that estrogen causes to headaches may be mitigated by progesterone, a hormone that is typically thought of as preventative.

By studying more about the interactions between hormones treating migraine, psychologists and women’s health professionals can improve the treatment provided to female migraine sufferers.

Impact of Hormonal Fluctuations on Migraine Frequency

Some changes in hormones, mainly oestrogen levels, can greatly impact how often headaches happen, especially in women.

Changing hormones during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause are strongly linked to the occurrence of headaches, according to studies. Because estrogen levels drop quickly after menstruation, some women get headaches. This condition is called “menstrual migraines.”

Pregnancy consistently raises estrogen levels, so migraines generally get better during pregnancy. Depending on how stable hormone levels are during menopause, migraine symptoms may get worse or better.

menstrual cycle

The importance of knowing these hormonal effects for neurologists, endocrinologists, and women’s health professionals cannot be overstated. It makes clear the need for personalized treatment plans that take each patient’s hormonal profile into account.

Migraine sufferers can better control their condition and avoid the increased risk of future attacks by learning about these hormone reasons.

Benefits of HRT for Migraine Management

Potential for Reducing Migraine Frequency

For women whose hormone levels fluctuate over time, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has demonstrated efficacy in treating headaches. HRT can significantly lower migraine frequency and intensity, according to some research.

The reason for this is because migraines are frequently related to the presence of estrogen. Hormone replacement therapy and migraines correlation is related to a focused approach to help women going through menopause feel better and prevent these debilitating headaches since estrogen levels in these women are changing and they are more likely to experience migraines.

headaches worse

According to experts, taking estrogen regularly with HRT can help reduce the periodic variations in hormones that trigger headaches. Hormonal conditions become more steady as a result. In addition to relieving menopausal symptoms, hormone replacement treatment (HRT) also helps migraineurs better control their pain, which improves their overall quality of life.

This is another advantage promoted by proponents of women’s health. In order for therapy to be most effective for each patient, physicians need to closely monitor for potential side effects and ensure that hormone replacement therapy plans are customized to meet the individual needs of each patient.

Migraines and hormone replacement therapy treatment techniques represent a significant advancement in the management of preventive treatment.

Alleviation of Migraine Severity

It has been shown that taking extra estrogen, which is a common part of HRT, lowers migraines that happen during menstruation or when hormones are changing during perimenopause.

migraine headaches

By creating a stable hormonal environment, taking HRT lowers the number of severe headaches that people experience, making their quality of life better. So that doctors could take a complete look at women’s health and migraine management, they should use HRT on people whose migraine patterns are definitely linked to changes in their hormones.

Improvement in Quality of Life

In particular, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has shown promise as a way to treat migraines in people whose attacks are caused by hormones. New study says that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can greatly reduce the number and severity of migraines by balancing the hormone changes that commonly cause these incapacitating headaches.

In turn, this makes migraine sufferers’ quality of life much better. Less time missed from work because of headaches means more work gets done, better mental health in general, and fewer missed days.

birth control pills

Health care professionals are starting to understand that HRT has uses other than its main ones, such as the chance of helping people with migraines.

This treatment plan is a complete way to improve patient results, which shows that more research and real-world use are needed in this area. By using HRT in therapy, doctors can give their patients a more complete answer that will ultimately improve their health.

How HRT is Used to Treat Migraines

Personalized Treatment Plans

Maintaining steady estrogen levels through hormone replacement therapy and migraines occurance may lower the number and severity caused by menstruation, menopause, and other hormonal problems.

It is important to use customizable treatment plans for each patient because each has a unique set of hormones and things that cause migraines.

Health care professionals, such as neurologists and other medical experts, look at each patient’s medical history, hormonal tests, and migraine patterns to make sure that their hormone replacement therapy plans work as well as possible.

This method focuses on the patient, which lowers the other risk factors of side effects and raises quality of life by making sure that migraine sufferers get specially designed and effective relief.

Monitoring and Adjusting Hormone Levels

It is now known that HRT can help handle migraines, especially in women whose headaches are caused by hormones.

The treatment plan carefully checks and changes hormone levels to find the right balance and ease migraine symptoms.

female hormones

HRT lets patients get an individualized way to treat hormonal imbalances that are often linked to migraines. Women’s health and medical workers play a big role in this process because they do thorough tests to find the best HRT schedule. Clinicians can greatly reduce the number and severity of migraines by carefully controlling the amounts of progesterone and estrogen.

The treatment stays effective because it is constantly checked and any changes that need to be made are made to keep hormonal homeostasis, which improves the patient’s results and quality of life.

Integration with Other Migraine Treatments

Personalized treatment methods are important for getting the best results from therapies because they let doctors tailor treatments to each patient’s unique hormonal profile, migraine patterns, and other health problems they may be dealing with at the same time.

HRT can be used with other drug and non-drug treatments to successfully lower the number and severity of migraine attacks, making people who have them happier and more satisfied with their lives. This can be done with careful changes and tracking.

hormonal birth control

This unified method stresses how important it is to get complete care for migraines and how ongoing study and teamwork between professionals are needed to make treatment plans better.

Why is it important to get a consultation with Ways2Well for your HRT and migraine?

It is very important to make an appointment with Ways2Well for your hormone replacement therapy and migraines treatment because they use a personalized, evidence-based method. HRT can have a big effect on how often and how bad headaches are, especially in people whose hormones are changing.

Ways2Well uses cutting-edge diagnostic tools to get the best results from therapy by tailoring it to your specific hormonal profile. Their integrative care mindset also guarantees a full analysis of all possible migraine triggers and contributing factors.

This creates a treatment plan that is both thorough and effective. Talking to Ways2Well will help your HRT work better and give you a full migraine treatment plan that will make your life better in general.

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What to Expect from Male Hormone Replacement Therapy: A First-Time Patient’s Guide

Human hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for men is becoming more and more popular among doctors, especially those who want to help older men deal with the hard effects of hormonal changes. Older men often have lower amounts of important hormones like testosterone. Among other health problems, this can lead to a lower libido, tiredness, and trouble remembering and thinking.

Hormone replacement therapy tries to raise these hormone levels to a safe level for the body. Cutting down on these bad effects will make everything better. This article covers all the basics and steps of male hormone replacement therapy, including its different types of therapy, medical uses, and the newest developments in this rapidly growing area. The goal of this piece is to give medical professionals all the information they need to start using Male HRT regimens and improve the results for their patients.

Preparing for Your First HRT Consultation

Making sure that HRT is safe and effective requires a full multidisciplinary approach before the first session. Prior to starting HRT treatment, healthcare professionals must carefully look at the patient’s medical history, including any existing diseases, family medical background, and current medications. Patients may search online for “male hormone replacement therapy near me”. A thorough physical check and relevant diagnostic tests are necessary to set a baseline and find any reasons why the treatment shouldn’t be done. It’s also important to communicate clearly and with compassion.

testosterone replacement therapy

Talking about the possible pros, cons, and side effects of HRT helps patients make smart choices and calms any fears they may harbor. Establishing a follow-up plan and realistic expectations is also very important so that you can see how the patient is doing and change the treatment as needed. Additionally, this planned planning enhances clinical outcomes and encourages the patient’s overall health and therapy compliance.

What to Bring and What Questions to Ask

When a patient goes to a meeting for HRT after a “male hormone replacement therapy doctors near me” search, the healthcare provider should always tell them what to bring and what questions to ask. A full medical history should be brought with the patient. This should include a list of all medicines they are currently taking, their past hormone levels, and any relevant diagnostic tests or screenings. Another thing that can help is writing down a list of signs, like mood swings, energy changes, or aches and pains.

HRT for men

People can make better choices if they are encouraged to ask important questions. There are many types of hormones and delivery systems available, when improvements should be expected, possible side effects, and the monitoring and follow-up procedures that need to be done after therapy starts. These can all be important questions. Giving patients this information can help doctors make sure they are ready for their HRT appointments, which will lead to better and more personalized care planning.

The HRT Process Explained

People who have hypergonadism don’t make enough testosterone in their bodies. Men who have hypogonadism can get better care with HRT. First, a full medical check is done to look for signs like being tired, having less libido, and having weak muscles. HRT can begin whenever a lack is proven.

Each treatment is unique and depends on what the patient wants and their medical history. Every day, you need to carefully check your testosterone levels and clinical reactions to stay away from side effects like erythrocytosis, heart problems, and prostate issues. The treatment plan also tries to improve the patient’s health and quality of life as a whole, as well as raise their natural testosterone levels.

What to Expect During the Treatment

If you have symptoms of hormonal imbalances because of endocrine illnesses, your doctor may suggest HRT. People who use HRT can look forward to a regular schedule that usually includes estrogen, progesterone, or a mix of the two. While people are getting used to their new condition, they may have their first side effects, such as headaches, nausea, and sore breasts. Health experts say these things should take place.

hormone repl

Clinical checks need to be done regularly to see if a treatment is working and to make any changes that are suggested. Ongoing treatment may make symptoms like mood swings, night sweats, and hot flashes disappear. Clinicians need to tell patients everything they need to know about the risks and benefits of HRT so that patients can make informed decisions and follow the treatment plan.

Lifestyle Changes to Support HRT

HRT is necessary for people whose hormones are changing a lot, like those going through menopause or androgen deprivation treatment. As a result, changing how you live is mandatory to get the most out of HRT and keep yourself safe. Endocrinologists and general care doctors should strongly encourage their patients to eat a well-balanced diet high in phytoestrogens, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants to help lessen some of the bad effects of hormone changes as a patient.

Additionally to improving your mood and general health, regular physical exercise is also important for protecting your heart and bones. Furthermore, stress-relieving activities such as mindfulness exercises and cognitive behavioral techniques may enhance the mental advantages of hormone replacement treatment. Quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol are two other important changes that can lower the risk of thrombotic events and improve hormonal balance.

Incorporating these lifestyle changes into healthcare professionals’ daily work can help patients deal with the problems that come with HRT in a more complete way, leading to better patient results.

When to Consult Your Doctor about HRT

Though, it is mandatory to know about the possible very major medical risks. Due to its ability to change lipid profiles negatively and raise hematocrit levels, HRT may raise the chance of heart problems like myocardial infarction and stroke. As well, evidence suggests that long-term HRT may be connected to a higher rate of prostate problems like prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. For example, erythrocytosis, obesity, and sleep apnea are some other side effects that doctors should be aware of.

Before starting hormone replacement treatment, doctors need to carefully look at each patient and think about the risks that are unique to them. Close monitoring is needed during the treatment to quickly find and lessen any side effects. Men who use HRT need more study to fully understand its long-term effects and to find the best ways to treat them so that they get the most benefits with the least amount of risk.

Future of Hormone Replacement Therapy

HRT is likely to go through big changes in the next few years thanks to better technology and ongoing study that aims to improve patient outcomes and safety. New treatments try to get the most good effects and the fewest bad ones by giving each patient a personalized plan that is based on their unique genetic makeup.

More studies that look at how hormone replacement therapy affects other long-term illnesses, like osteoporosis and heart disease, should lead to better treatment plans and professional advice. Precision medicine is always getting better, and doctors need to keep up with it so they can give treatments that are based on proof and the newest scientific and technological advances in hormone replacement therapy.


Additionally, HRT may greatly enhance numerous individuals’ quality of life and lessen the signs and symptoms connected to hormonal disorders. But using it needs to be done carefully and individually, taking into account each patient’s medical history, risk factors, and therapy goals.

Maintaining the benefits of hormone therapy while lowering its risks will rest on continued progress in HRT, thorough patient education, and close monitoring. For the safest and most effective care, healthcare professionals need to know about the newest study findings. Ultimately, progress made toward more customized, useful, and safe treatment options is a good sign for the future of hormone replacement therapy.

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What are Hormone Balancing Supplements and How They Work?

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Hormones regulate bodily functions from mood and energy levels to exchange processes and reproductive possibilities. Imbalanced levels of hormones can lead to a range of health issues. Tiredness, rise in weight, often mood changes, and others can occur. People target to manage these events. So, they opt for hormone balancing supplements.

Do you know “How do hormone balancing supplements work?” Let’s explore their performance.

Introduction of Hormone Balancing Supplements

Hormonal disorders appear in situations of inappropriate amounts of some hormones in the blood flow. Age, stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, and underlying health conditions trigger these events. An organic decrease in estrogen and progesterone amounts in women leads to hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. A gradual reduction in testosterone levels in men is often associated with fatigue, lowered libido, and a rise in weight. Imbalances in thyroid hormones can affect exchange processes in the organism, energy stability, and mood control.

Hormone balancing supplements are designed to help regulate these hormone levels and alleviate associated manifestations.

Major Kinds of Hormone Balancing Supplements

Every type of these compounds targets specific hormones or hormone-related events. Let’s discover the best hormone balancing supplements.

Impact of Adaptogens

Some natural herbs help the organism to adapt to stress and manage levels of hormones. Popular drugs for hormone stability include the next. This drug presents an effective option for women at menopause or men with testosterone lack. Rhodiola Rosea supports adrenal performance and helps control stress-induced hormonal disorders.

Data about Phytoestrogens

These plant-derived compounds imitate estrogen in the organism. Hot flashes and night sweats can be lowered with these drugs. Black Cohoshcan assist in softening menopausal appearances because it balances estrogen amounts.

Hormone Precursors

These supplements provide the building items for the generation of hormones. They are used to support the internal formation of hormones.

Often Question: “How Do Hormone Balancing Supplements Work?”

The active mechanics of these wonderful compounds largely depend on the separate targeted hormones. They interact with the endocrine system of the organism in different ways.

Let’s examine how some of the best hormone balancing supplements perform.

Regulating Levels of Stress

Durable stress situation leads to high amounts of cortisol. This active substance can interfere with the generation of other hormones. Amounts of progesterone and testosterone can be changed.  Adaptogenic drugs lower the quantity of this bad hormone. So, they successfully soften stress-related hormonal imbalance and improve sensations and stability of energy.


Maintenance of Stable Hormone Balance

Some supplements for hormone balancing found in black cohosh and soy mimic the activity of estrogen in the organism. They bind to estrogen acceptors. So, these drugs help to stabilize any changes in the quantity of this hormone. This performance has become helpful for women at menopause because these supplements can lower manifestations of flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.

Rise in Testosterone Levels

The best hormone balancing supplements are presented by DHEA and zinc. These unique compounds can speed up testosterone production. They help to combat manifestations of low testosterone. Fatigue, decreased sex desire and muscle weakness can be effectively alleviated. Healthy levels of male sex hormones in men and women are maintained by Maca root and ashwagandha.

Advancement of Thyroid Functionality

Some best hormone balancing supplements with iodine and selenium support the thyroid gland. This effect helps to manage exchange processes in the organism, stability of energy, and general output of hormones. They foster a healthy performance of thyroids. These compounds can help soften manifestations of depressive events, fatigue, and unwanted rise in weight.

Provision of Necessary Useful Substances

Different minerals and vitamins foster the process of creation and management of hormones. Vitamin D, for example, actively participates in the output of sex hormones – estrogen and testosterone. Magnesium and zinc help regulate levels of stress and speed up male sex hormone fabrication.

Outcomes of Supplements for Hormone Balancing Process

These drugs are designed with some targets. They must help to manage quantities of some hormones and restore hormonal equilibrium. They also need to address a range of symptoms and health problems caused by hormone imbalance. Let’s discover some of the main advantages of using hormone balancing supplements.

Easing of Menopausal Appearances

These compounds can provide significant relief from such manifestations. Black cohosh and soy isoflavones can help lower the cases and severity of thermal shocks and sweats at night because they imitate female hormone performance in the organism. Ashwagandha can stabilize mood changes and decrease irritability because it effectively maintains general hormonal stability and lowers stress appearances.

Improvement of Energy and Vitality

Many people with hormonal imbalances report fatigue and lack of daily energy. Hormone balancing supplements can do the next functions.

Ginseng and Rhodiola rosea help combat tiredness and raise general vital forces because they foster adrenal activity and decrease stress-related events. Adaptogens and hormone precursors can improve stamina and physical activity because they support healthy hormone content.

Advancement in Mood and Mental Sharpness

Hormones actively manage the regulation of mood and cognitive functionality. Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin D advance the control of mood. They also assist in lowering the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Hormone precursors and adaptogens can advance cognitive performance, concentration, and memory.

Fostering Healthy Management of the Weight

Hormone imbalances can contribute to the gain of weight and difficulty losing weight. Compounds iodine and selenium help maintain healthy exchange processes. This effect fosters effective weight management. Lowering cortisol content by adaptogens can help prevent the stress-related gain of weight and foster a better body structure.

Advancement in Libido and Sexual Possibilities

Sexual health and desire are linked with some hormones. The supplements for hormone balancing can boost sex desire and libido because they maintain proper amounts of male sex hormones in men and women. DHEA and zinc foster reproductive possibilities and sexual functionality. They help to address erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual pleasure.


Lowering of Stress and Anxiety

Durable stress can lead to hormonal disorders and different health diseases. Adaptogens help the organism adapt to stress events. They lower their impact on hormone content and general well-being. Supplements for hormone balancing provide management of stress and can advance the quality of sleep. This leads to better rest and decreased stress-related appearances.

Hormonal Stability

The primary benefit of hormone balancing supplements is presented by the restoration of general hormonal balance. Proper hormone amounts help to achieve effective bodily functions. Immune reactions, digestion, and cellular repair are improved. Achieving hormonal equilibrium fosters general health, vitality, and quality of life.

The hormone balancing supplements offer a range of benefits. They support and restore hormonal equilibrium in the organism. From softening menopausal appearances and advancing control of sensations to advancing sexual possibilities and managing stress events, these compounds address hormonal disbalances and foster general well-being. However, you are advised to consult with a medical service professional before starting any supplement schedule. They can assist in defining your tailored plan according to your specific needs and health state.

Supplements for hormone balancing present an organic tool to manage hormone disorders. They effectively lower appearances of stress events, menopause, and low testosterone. Understanding the specific needs of your organism and choosing the right combination of compounds can help to restore hormonal harmony and advance your general state of health and life quality.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy Before, During, and After Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

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Careful attention must be paid by medical workers to HRT before, during, and after pregnancy. For women who are starting or continuing HRT before getting pregnant may help them deal with their conditions. Because HRT can be harmful to both the mother and the growing baby, it is generally closely watched when it is used during pregnancy.


For example, using progesterone and estrogen should be carefully thought out to lower risks like thromboembolic events and problems during pregnancy. HRT can be used to treat hormone changes and help older moms deal with symptoms like depression or the start of menopause. To improve the health of both the mother and the baby, clinicians should provide personalized care, weigh the healing benefits of HRT against any possible risks, and work with patients to make decisions.

HRT Before Pregnancy

Hormone replacement therapy and pregnancy can affect both the mother and the baby, doctors, and women’s health workers are very interested in prescribing HRT before pregnancy. Although hormone replacement treatment is usually used to treat symptoms of hormone imbalance or deficiency, it can be very important for promoting good reproductive health before getting pregnant. Hormone replacement therapy HRT can help lower the chance of losing a pregnancy early, according to studies.

pregnancy HRT

It is mandatory to carefully consider time, amount, and specific hormone compositions based on a person’s medical history and underlying problems. Expectant mothers who are thinking about HRT before they get pregnant should follow a personalized plan that supports a healthy pregnancy from the start and the health of both the mother and the baby. Talking to healthcare experts about the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy and pregnancy is important.

Assessing the Need for HRT

Reproductive hormone diseases must be carefully looked at by clinicians in women who want to get pregnant. There are lab tests to check the levels of hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and gonadotropins, as well as a full evaluation that includes a full patient background.

By using the right HRT, the mother’s overall health can improve, and the baby’s growth can be protected. Therefore, to help with getting pregnant and keeping it safe, individualized HRT plans must be made based on the patient’s specific hormonal makeup and reproductive goals.

Pre-pregnancy Hormonal Assessments

An essential part of providing prospective moms with proactive therapy for their reproductive health is the measurement of pregnancy hormones. Key hormones like progesterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and estradiol are typically measured during these procedures.

Clinicians can enhance reproductive outcomes and reduce dangers related to hormonal disruptions by detecting possible hormone imbalances or deficiencies prior to pregnancy.

Furthermore, by enabling medical professionals to address hormone replacement therapy and pregnancy or particular endocrine problems that may hinder conception, and raise pregnancy concerns, clinicians offer individualized therapy alternatives. Hormone testing therefore increases the chance of a safe pregnancy and enhances the general health and welfare of the mother and developing fetus.

Managing HRT during pregnancy

Managing hormone replacement treatment and pregnancy requires a deep understanding of the health risks to both the mother and the baby. Healthcare workers are supposed to think about the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy pregnancy. Persons who are pregnant and taking HRT may need to make changes to their treatment plans. This is something that should be closely watched throughout the whole pregnancy.


Necessary aspect to think about when continuing is a history of hormone deficiencies. Clinicians work together to treat patients as a whole in order to improve the health of both the mother and the baby. This way of doing things stresses the importance of ongoing observation, patient education, and flexible treatment options.

HRT During Pregnancy

We still don’t know a lot about HRT during pregnancy, especially about how it might impact the health of both the mother and the baby. Some women who have certain hormonal diseases or who are getting fertility treatments may need to take certain hormones to keep their pregnancies going.

There must be careful thought put into the time, amount, and type of hormones used, though. Based on new research, it is clear that personalized treatment plans and close tracking are key to lowering risks such as thromboembolic events and effects that lead to birth defects.

It needs to be looked into more to see if HRT is safe for pregnant women. This way, both the mother and the baby can grow as much as possible. To do a good job with this difficult case, we need a plan that includes the newest methods that have been shown to work.

Monitoring and Adjustments

During pregnancy, taking HRT and closely watching the mother and the baby are needed to make sure their health. Because of this, doctors must monitor and make changes as needed. Findings of any changes from the expected hormone levels and quickly preventing them are important through clinical and lab tests.

fertility treatment

The objective of this dynamic management strategy is to safeguard the mother’s and fetus’s health during pregnancy by strengthening therapeutic results and avoiding the risks connected with hormone imbalances.

HRT After Pregnancy

It is becoming more common to use HRT to treat hormonal problems in new mothers that happen after giving birth. Many mental and bodily symptoms, including mood swings, anxiety, and depression, as well as hot flashes and night sweats, can be caused by hormone imbalances after giving birth. HRT tries to get these hormone levels back in balance so that symptoms get better and lifestyle quality goes up generally.

Based on the data we have access to, mothers’ mental health and well-being may be greatly helped by HRT programs that are carefully watched during the difficult time after giving birth. Doctors must look at each new mother’s specific needs and medical background, including risks like breast cancer and thromboembolic events, to make sure that HRT is safe and effective. The best HRT for new moms needs to include both regular tracking and individualized medical advice.

Postpartum Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormone changes after giving birth are a very important time for new mothers to get their bodies used to the changes, which can have a big effect on their mental and physical health. In the postpartum phase, levels of progesterone and estrogen change quickly. These are two important hormones that drop sharply after giving birth.

Mood swings, tiredness, and a higher risk of postpartum depression are some of the signs that could happen because of these changes in hormones. Letting new moms know about these changes is a big part of making their experiences seem normal and pushing them to take charge of their postpartum health problems.

Therefore, a complete knowledge of how postpartum hormones work is an important part of providing good care to mothers, as it helps with both short-term and long-term recovery.

Resuming HRT

When deciding to start HRT after giving birth, many things need to be carefully thought through, such as the mother’s specific hormonal needs, the timing of the choice, and any possible risks. The purpose of starting HRT again is to enhance overall well-being by managing long-lasting signs of hormone imbalance, like tiredness, hot flashes, and mood swings.


A short break from hormone replacement therapy may be needed for some women in the first few weeks after giving birth to give their bodies time to get used to the changes. However, starting HRT again under the care of a clinician can be helpful if symptoms are serious or long-lasting and get in the way of daily life.

If the patient is breastfeeding, healthcare workers must carefully consider her medical history, current health, and HRT regimen to make sure it is safe and effective. Through a personalized plan that focuses on reducing any possible side effects, starting HRT will have a positive effect on the mother’s recovery and long-term health.

HRT and Breastfeeding

HRT during nursing is a complicated subject that needs many careful thoughts from lactation experts and other health care professionals. New studies show that even though some hormones found in HRT can get into breast milk, it’s still not clear what healing effects this has on the nursing baby. Estrogen, which is often found in HRT, has been shown to stop prolactin from working, which is a hormone that is needed for milk production.

Each mother and child should have their own care plan made, taking into account their unique hormonal schedule, their medical needs, and the baby’s health. This will help make sure that everyone has the best possible result.

Psychological Aspects of HRT and Pregnancy

Mental effects of hormone replacement therapy and pregnancy are complicated and need to be carefully watched over by medical professionals. The mother’s mental health and the baby’s growth can both be affected. Mood swings, increased anxiety, and changes in how a person sees their body are examples. Having psychological resilience, social support, and well-informed treatment are mandatory for mothers to do well and lessen the negative psychological effects.

To make care plans that take into account the physical and mental health of hormone replacement therapy pregnancy, doctors and women’s health advocates need to fully understand how these two things affect each other.

Is it safe to start HRT during pregnancy if not previously taking it?

When a woman is pregnant, she should carefully check out and talk to medical professionals before starting HRT, especially if she has never taken the drug before. According to a recent study, starting HRT during pregnancy is not usually a good idea because it could be harmful to both the mother and the growing baby. Adding outside hormones could mess up the endocrine system and have bad effects since hormones usually change a lot during pregnancy.

In some cases, like when there are serious hormonal imbalances or certain medical conditions, hormone therapy may be necessary. However, these are rare situations that need a very specific management plan. So, a full review by a group of experts from different fields is needed to find out if hormone replacement therapy pregnancy is safe and appropriate. This team review will also make sure that any intervention is based on a thorough risk-benefit analysis that is tailored to the patient’s unique medical condition.


In the postpartum period, sudden changes in progesterone and estrogen levels have a big effect on both physical and mental health. This, in turn, makes complaints like tiredness and mood swings more likely. Before choosing to start HRT again after giving birth, a woman should think about her own hormonal needs, her health, and any possible risks, especially when it comes to breastfeeding.

Starting HRT during pregnancy needs a full, one-on-one exam because it could be harmful to both the mother and the baby. Strong mental and social support is very important, and the psychological effects of HRT during pregnancy make this clear. A lot of knowledge and personalized care from healthcare experts are needed to improve mothers’ health at these important stages.

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What to Know About Cholesterol & Your Health

How Much Do You Know About Cholesterol?

“I’m watching my cholesterol!” It’s a common saying that you have likely heard before. It’s so common because, as the CDC reports, around 38% of American adults have higher levels of cholesterol than they should. Though most people know of cholesterol, few actually know what it really is and the incredibly important role it plays in the body. Do you have ‘good’ cholesterol levels…or ‘bad’?

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat-like waxy substance that is found in all of our cells. The liver actually produces all the cholesterol that our body needs, but it can also come from dietary cholesterol, or cholesterol we consume from our food. Dietary cholesterol is most abundantly found in animal based food, like meat and dairy products.  So what does cholesterol do? For starters, it helps us produce the stomach acids that we need to break down and digest food. It’s also needed for our bodies to be able to produce hormones and vitamin D, both very important players in our bodies. Cholesterol also acts on a cellular level, contributing to the structure of cell walls. 

Health Risks

Though cholesterol is very necessary, it also disproves the saying “you can’t have too much of a good thing.” Too much excess cholesterol can lead to the formation of plaque, which can build up along the walls of your arteries. If too much plaque builds up, the deposit can burst, causing blood to begin clotting against the buildup of plaque. Once the clot becomes large enough, it can either partially or totally block the artery, restricting the supply of oxygen-infused blood flowing towards the heart. When this happens it can cause chest pain, and it significantly increases the risk of a heart attack. The same thing can happen in other areas of the body as well, including the brain and the limbs. A bad enough blockage in the limbs can even lead to amputation, this occurs most commonly in the legs or feet. In the brain, the clotting of blood can trigger a stroke.

“Good” and “Bad”

A common topic that comes up when talking about cholesterol is “good” and “bad” cholesterol. While these designations are indeed true, they don’t tell the full story behind what they mean.  What we call good cholesterol is actually High-density lipoprotein, or HDL. We call it good because it takes the excess cholesterol that’s in the body and transports it back to the liver, which can safely dispose of it. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, also transports cholesterol, but instead of taking it back to the liver, it causes the excess cholesterol to build up in the arteries. Basically, LDL is the person that leaves their shopping cart in a parking spot, while HDL is the person that responsibly returns their cart to the cart coral. VLDL, or very low-density lipoprotein is another form that is considered bad, it mostly transports triglycerides instead of cholesterol, but like LDL, it contributes to plaque buildup.

Causes and Risk Factors

There are several possible causes of High Cholesterol, and if you have read our past entries, some of them are going to sound familiar. Lifestyle is a big factor when it comes to cholesterol. A diet with a high intake of unhealthy fats, like trans fats and saturated fats, significantly raises LDL levels, and lack of physical activity will lower HDL levels. Smoking is able to cause both LDL levels to rise and HDL levels to fall, while also damaging the blood vessels and making it more likely that fatty deposits will gather in them. Unsurprisingly, being overweight or obese is not only linked to these causes, but it too makes one more susceptible to high cholesterol.

 All of these factors also increase the risk of diabetes, which also is able to affect cholesterol levels. Diabetes usually means very high levels of VLDL, high triglycerides, lower HDL, and even elevated LDL. It will also damage the arteries and other blood vessels. This creates a prime situation for the buildup of plaque, and with the combination of high cholesterol and diabetes, there is a much greater risk of cardiovascular disease. 

As with most chronic conditions, high cholesterol has risk factors that are often out of our control. Age is one of the most prominent, though younger people are not immune to high cholesterol, we become more at risk as we get older. This is because the liver isn’t able to remove bad cholesterol from the body as efficiently as we get older. Family history is another important risk factor. Not only do families often share lifestyles and habits that increase the risk of chronic conditions, genetics play a part as well, and risk can be passed down to younger generations. Other factors include race and ethnicity, medications, and medical conditions such as liver or kidney disease, pregnancy, and hypothyroidism (under active thyroid).

Diagnosis and Treatment

High cholesterol on its own has no symptoms, and that’s a problem because of the health risks it’s associated with. The only way to know for sure where your cholesterol levels are at before it lets you know in a potentially lethal way is by getting your blood tested. The American Heart Association recommends that this occur at least every 4-6 for those over 20 years old, and more frequently as you age or if you carry any risk factors for cholesterol or heart disease. Treatment may require that you take medication to help you control your cholesterol levels if necessary, but it will always require that you make lifestyle changes. These changes include eliminating unhealthy habits like smoking, getting more physical activity, managing your weight and stress, and sticking to a heart conscience diet.

The best treatment is prevention, especially when it comes to a disease that doesn’t have symptoms. Comprehensive blood testing includes measuring cholesterol, and since blood measurement is recommended for preventing high cholesterol, you might as well get everything else checked at the same time. It will not only help you control your risk factors for high cholesterol, but for other chronic conditions as well. You might even find that you have a very healthy cholesterol level, but maybe something else like your insulin is high, which is a sign that you could be trending towards diabetes, which is closely linked to high cholesterol. 

This full picture of your health is the benefit that Ways2Well provides. A regular check of your cholesterol in this situation would have made it seem like things were perfectly fine, when another risk factor that doesn’t seem immediately related slips in the back window. Once you have a full picture of your health, we are able to help you devise the best treatment and plan for yourself, one that takes into account the entire picture, and not just one small part of it. Not only can it help you live longer, you will live without the fear that something like high cholesterol is silently working against your health and your life. 

September is National Cholesterol Education Month. This is an excellent time to assess your health, your risk factors, to educate yourself about cholesterol, and take steps towards preventing high cholesterol or addressing the problem if you have it. 

Want to learn more?

Check out our Getting Started page and set up a free consult with our medical provider. It’s time to get you on the path to great health and keep you that way.

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How to Stay Healthy During Covid-19

You’ve heard it your whole life – take your vitamins and get some rest! Then you’ll feel better! In a time when everything can feel so uncertain, it’s comforting to look back on Mom’s advice and know that by finally taking it, you’re offering the best protection possible for you and your loved ones during COVID-19. This is especially important as medical experts predict that the virus and waves of illness will continue for up to 18 months.

Great health starts with prevention

The best way to stay healthy in any scenario, is to consistently practice great health habits before you are ever in danger of getting sick. This is what we call “preventative care” in the healthcare industry. What it means is taking the time to do things that will prevent illness from occurring down the line. In today’s climate, that means what you’ve been hearing on repeat: wash your hands; cover your mouth when you cough; use sanitizer if handwashing isn’t available; avoid touching your face due to transfer of germs; socially distance 6 feet from other people at all times; wear face masks while out of your home. This is all done to prevent the transfer and onset of Covid-19/Coronavirus. 

Research from the CDC and National Institute of Health has also suggested the use of a few new tools for medical providers battling the Covid-19 pandemic. The great news is, you can also put these treatments to work for you at home too!

Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for our body; necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It’s involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. In the age of Coronavirus, Vitamin C is more important than ever because it directly targets viruses in the body and strengthens your natural resistance to getting sick: your immune system. If your immune system is compromised or weak, your are far more susceptible to infection than you are if you are healthy. You’ve likely seen reports of large doses of Vitamin C being used on patients in New York City, New Orleans and Washington due to it’s effectiveness in battling Coronavirus symptoms and helping patients recover faster. While Vitamin C has not been announced as an official cure, medical experts globally are in agreement that taking it in significant doses right now is the key to strengthening your immune system and increasing your body’s ability to ward off potential viruses.

Vitamin C is a key ingredient (among other virus fighting nutrients) in our Immune Support treatment. If you are in need of this treatment to bolster your immune system and get healthier – you can check it out here to get your prescription. Don’t worry- we will mail it to your door!

Catch Some Zzzzzz’s. Seriously. 

We could list all the adages about sleep and good health; or we could just say this: a good night’s sleep could save your life right now. Ok, maybe not your life – just your sanity. 

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought on more than just health issues and Coronavirus infections…it’s also brought on a global workforce that is now mostly working from home with new pressures and changes to our normal routines. Taking on things like full time teaching and care taking; managing financial strain; trying to stay sane with a house full of spouses, kids, pets, and a stockpile of toilet paper (you know who you are!). All of this leads to – you guessed it – not great sleep. Lots of stress and anxiety, tossing and turning and too much screen time. We aren’t judging (we are doing it too); but medical professionals are reminding us that sleep cures many evils, and is a great preventative care habit to keep your body in fighting shape. Sleep is one of the main variables that influences the health of our immune system. According to The Mayo Clinic, while you are asleep your immune system releases proteins that promote deeper sleep. Additionally, infection fighting antibodies and cells dwindle when you aren’t getting enough sleep. Simple math! To stay healthy, you need sleep.  

If you can’t sleep right now, don’t worry – you aren’t alone. In times of stress and strain, restful sleep is often the first thing to go. However, it’s paramount to keep your body at it’s healthiest to reduce potential infection. For those having trouble maintaining healthy sleep habits, take a look at CBD Sleep. A better night’s sleep shouldn’t be hard to come by, so we’ve made sure it’s not.  

Want to learn more?

Check out our Getting Started page and set up a free consult with our medical provider. It’s time to get you on the path to great health, and keep you that way. 

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Common Nutrient Deficiencies and How to Solve Them

The human body requires many vitamins and minerals to be able to run, but not getting enough of one or more of these important nutrients is very common. Deficiencies will of course affect our health, and can cause symptoms that range from mild to serious. Since March is National Nutrition Month let’s look at four common nutrient deficiencies, their symptoms, and what we can do to get more of those vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin D

While it is called a vitamin, Vitamin D actually is more like a hormone, because your body produces it on its own when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is important because it regulates the body’s absorption of calcium, and has a few secondary benefits like supporting the immune system. Not getting enough of this nutrient can lead to bone loss, and pain in the back, bones, and muscles. It can also cause a weakened immune response, depression, hair loss, a lessened ability to heal wounds, and having less energy. This is an incredibly common deficiency, but there are some easy ways that you can overcome it. 

For most vitamins and minerals, the best way to get more of them is to eat foods that are rich in that nutrient. Vitamin D however is a bit different, as there aren’t as many foods that are rich in the vitamin as there are for others. Despite this, fatty fish and egg yolks are good natural sources, and there are even some food products, like milk, that are artificially fortified with the vitamin. The best way of course is to get more sunlight. Though the amount needed varies by skin tone and where one lives, getting 10-30 minutes of sun multiple times a week is a good rule of thumb.


One of the most important nutrients in the body is magnesium. This mineral is involved in numerous functions, including the processing of protein and DNA, maintaining bone health, assisting with the proper functioning of the nerves and muscles, and the regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure. Not getting enough magnesium usually doesn’t result in any symptoms immediately, but it can contribute to serious problems if it carries on too long. Complications include weakness and cramps in the muscles, fatigue, headaches or migraines, inflammation, higher risk of anxiety and depression, and it can even contribute to high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and irregular heartbeat. 

Unlike Vitamin D, there are many foods that are rich in magnesium. These foods include fruits like bananas and avocados (yes an avocado is actually a berry), and dark, leafy vegetables like spinach. Nuts and legumes like cashews, almonds, and peanuts, and meats like fish and organs meats, are all good sources as well. You can also find a good amount of magnesium in whole grains and even dark chocolate. 


Worldwide, the most common nutrient deficiency is iron. Iron is important because it helps us produce healthy blood cells. Iron binds to hemoglobin, and allows it to carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body, allowing those tissues to survive and carry out their functions. Iron also binds with myoglobin, which helps store oxygen in the muscles. In addition to oxygenating the blood, iron also provides immune system support, assists in the conversion of blood sugar into energy, plays a role in keeping the skin, hair, and nails healthy, and even supports cognitive functions. 

Normally an iron deficiency won’t have any immediate symptoms, but as the problem worsens, so too will the symptoms. These symptoms include dizziness, lightheadedness, and fatigue. Iron deficiency can also eventually cause iron deficiency anemia, where the red blood cells aren’t able to carry oxygen properly. Extreme fatigue or weakness, shortness of breath, elevated heart rate, cold feet or hands, pale skin, headaches, and chest pain are all signs of iron deficiency anemia, and if you believe you are experiencing it, you should talk to your doctor. 

Getting more iron isn’t difficult. One of the best ways to get more iron is to eat meat; red meat, turkey, poultry, pork, and fish are all good sources of iron. Other sources include beans, legumes, broccoli, dried fruit like apricots or raisins, peas, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, and dark, leafy greens. Meat however is still a better source of iron because it contains heme iron, which is easier for the body to absorb than the nonheme iron contained in plant based sources. Vitamin C can help increase iron absorption, and it is often needed more when someone relies on nonheme iron.


Next up we have calcium, the most abundant mineral in the body. Most of the calcium in our bodies is stored within our bones and teeth, where it is responsible for maintaining their structure and health. A small amount of calcium is needed for other critical functions, like muscle function, nerve function, assisting the blood vessels in moving blood, and even hormone secretion. Calcium deficiency can lead to a condition called hypocalcemia, and the risks of this occurring increase as we age, especially among women. Symptoms of hypocalcemia include aches, cramps, or spasms of the muscles, fatigue, depression, memory loss, confusion, and brittle nails. It also increases the risk of osteoporosis, which results in weaker and more brittle bones that can be injured more easily. 

You can probably guess the first source of calcium that I am going to mention: dairy. For most people, dairy and dairy products are obviously a great and easy source of calcium. Many however, like those with lactose intolerance, must look elsewhere to get the necessary amount of calcium they need. Other good sources of the mineral include almonds, seeds, fish like salmon and sardines, lentils, beans, figs, and edamame. Dark and leafy vegetables like kale, collards, and spinach once again make an appearance, as they are also calcium rich, along with all the other nutrients they contain.

Getting all the proper nutrients may seem difficult, but there are a few steps you can take to make it easier. Educating yourself about the dietary recommendations for your age and sex is the first step. Reading nutrition labels and having a good idea about the contents of what you are putting into your body is the next step. You will have an easier time figuring out what you need more or less of. Sometimes you may find that you will need extra help with some nutrients, possibly even help from supplements, while other times you may just need to cut back on certain foods. Blood testing can provide an even deeper look into what vitamins and minerals your body is getting, and it’s a good idea to utilize this tool if you want the complete picture of what is happening inside your body, especially if you are experiencing nagging symptoms that seem to come from nowhere, preventing you from being the healthiest version of yourself. 

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What’s Wrong With Health Insurance?

The healthcare system in America is far from perfect. One of the reasons for this is because of the state of health insurance coverage. While the goal of having insurance would seem like it should be to know you are taken care in times of medical need, the current system we have can leave us confused, in debt, frustrated, and anything but reassured. Today we will go through some of the flaws of this system, and the burden those flaws place upon our health. 

It’s Expensive

We need healthcare, and there is no way around that. Around $4 Trillion is spent annually on healthcare, and that number is rising. The price of medical care, medical coverage, and medications themselves are also rapidly increasing as time goes by. Though the supposed goal of insurance is to reduce the cost and load on the average person, many are still burdened by its weight. 

First, you have the premium payments needed to keep the insurance, though this is not the problem for the majority of insurance holders. Then you have deductibles, the amount of money you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance will kick in for larger expenses. Almost half of deductibles are $1,000 or more, and for most people that is a huge amount of money to have to pay at one time, often without much warning that it will be necessary. After the deductible is exceeded, most of the time the insurance plan will still leave the patient to foot a portion of the bill, which can still be very expensive depending on the treatment that is required. It’s no surprise that about 60% of all Americans that file for bankruptcy do so because of an inability to pay for medical bills. 

It’s Confusing

There is a strong chance that you don’t fully understand your health insurance plan, but don’t feel bad about this, as only 4% of Americans have a full grasp on their coverage. This really isn’t shocking, and it’s not unlikely that you know someone with health insurance that has gotten saddled with a surprise medical bill at some point in their lives. The answer to questions like if a procedure you need will be covered, what it will actually cost, and if you’ll have to have to fight the insurance company about paying for something, always seem to be that you will find out once it actually happens. There are of course more philosophical questions about the system as well, like why we need separate plans for dental care, eye care, and medications.

One of the most confusing things is the counterintuitive nature of the entire system. Health insurance companies make more money off of healthy people that don’t end up using the insurance that they pay for. This means they aren’t incentivized to actually want to help the people that do need their service, as they will lose money. One would think this would mean insurance companies would want to push comprehensive and complete preventative care measures, but most don’t, instead just covering routine services like immunizations and run of the mill checkups. 

Many Don’t Have Insurance

Health insurance is normally tied to employment, with the employers assisting the employee by paying most of the insurance premium. Though the employees are left to the mercy of the insurance plans that their company supports, which may be good or bad depending on the options provided to them, this generally saves the employee a lot of money while also greatly simplifying the process of acquiring health coverage. This of course will run out if one loses their job, and one that changes jobs or whose company switches supported coverage options may experience a lapse in coverage. Those that are unemployed, employed part-time, or work at companies that don’t provide insurance, are most of the time left out in the cold, amounting to tens of millions of Americans lacking health insurance.

How This Affects Our Health

The biggest consequence of the current medical system is that many don’t seek medical care that they might need because of the cost. In fact, more than 50% of Americans have avoided care at some point due to not wanting to pay for it. Some individuals will even only be able to seek medical care if it is absolutely critical to do so because of the cost. Another effect is that not fully understanding your health coverage, worrying if you will have the treatment you need covered, and having to pay for large medical bills (especially unexpected ones) can cause you a high level of stress. Stress of course, is one thing that can be incredibly detrimental to your health, causing issues like sleep loss, a weakened immune system, and exasperating serious health conditions like high blood pressure. Finally, some individuals not seeking or being able to seek medical care can affect the health of others. This pandemic for example, has demonstrated that one person not receiving care has a chance of getting others sick, damaging the health of the community as a whole instead of just themselves. 

The only real option we have it seems is to avoid health issues as much as possible. At Ways2Well, we strive to help you achieve this, by providing actual comprehensive and complete preventive treatment that will hopefully reduce or eliminate expensive and stressful medical treatments and emergencies in the future. With care that is actually accessible and affordable, you can actually gain time, save money, and become healthier than ever before.

Look out for part 2, where we will talk about the advantages of self-pay.

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The Future of Stem Cells

In our last entry we talked about how stem cells can currently be used to benefit our health. Stem cells are already very useful to us, but we may be just scratching the surface of their full potential. Today we will talk about what research hopes that we will be able to accomplish with stem cells in the near future. 

If you have not read part 1, check it out here

Increasing our Understand of Diseases 

One of the ways stem cells can help advance healthcare is by expanding our knowledge of how disease and chronic conditions form and operate. By studying how stem cells develop, differentiate, and form into tissues, we can learn a lot about how our bodies operate naturally, as well as discern what causes the natural operation to be disrupted and become diseased. For example, we may possibly be able to determine why some cells end up becoming cancerous. 

Just understanding obviously isn’t enough, we have to be able to actually use what we would learn. Any new discoveries would of course become the basis for new treatments, medicines, and hopefully even ways to prevent us from developing serious diseases in the first place. 

Better Medicines and Treatments

A more thorough understanding of disease would allow us to devise better medicines, but stem cells could actually help during the development process as well. The hope is that we could program the stem cells to take on the form of specific kinds of tissue cells, and then test medicines designed for those tissues and see how the cells react. This would tell us a lot about the safety and effectiveness of the drugs. Moving on to human trials would be much safer, and it’s possible we would no longer need animal trials when testing out new drugs. The science could also one day advance to allow these drugs to be customized to each individual, making them even more efficient and likely to succeed. 

An example of future stem cell usage could be to help cure Type 1 Diabetes. This would happen by programming the stem cells to become cells that produce insulin, allowing the diabetic person to produce insulin on their own. Other possible diseases and conditions that may one day be cured with regenerative stem cell therapy include AIDs, Huntington’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis. This also would include conditions that cause people to be immunocompromised or immunodeficient. Beyond curing diseases, we may one day be able to use the stem cells already in the body to fight diseases instead of having to inject them or implant them during a surgery, which would make stem cell therapies much easier to use and more accessible to the masses, as well as eliminate the difficulty that sometimes arises when the body rejects the foreign stem cells.

Advancing Regenerative Therapy

Since we already use regenerative therapy, it stands to reason that being able to expand the scope and effectiveness of this field is the nearest and most likely advancement we will be able to make. It is believed that stem cell therapy may be able to help with many injuries, diseases, and conditions. 

Currently regenerative stem cell therapy therapy is used mostly for injuries involving ligaments and muscles, and is becoming increasingly popular among professional athletes. World Class athletes including the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Tiger Woods, Peyton Manning, Rafael Nadal, Hines Ward and many more have turned to stem cell therapy for its effectiveness, reduced recovery time, and because it can allow them to avoid major surgery. A great example of how this is used is on injuries to the Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) in the elbow. This injury is most common among baseball pitchers, and usually requires Tommy John surgery to repair. This procedure is risky and carries a recovery time of well over a year, and it is never guaranteed that the pitcher will be able to perform at the same level ever again. Multiple cases and studies have shown that stem cell therapy can be a viable alternative for partial tears, and get the athletes throwing again much faster [1]. Eventually stem cells may be able to correct injuries like these almost 100% of the time, and hopefully even be used to treat serious injuries like severe burns or injuries to the spinal cord. 

Some conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis become more common as we age, and stem cells may one day be able to help cure these conditions or at least make them more manageable, and thus make the process of aging itself easier. Stem cells may also be able to eventually fix sensory related conditions like hearing loss, as well as treat the disease that could cause someone to lose their eyesight. One of the most important advances that could be made with stem cell research is repairing some of the damage done by heart attacks and strokes. After one of these major health events occurs, doctors would be able to implant stem cells that would begin to repair the damaged tissues, and allow them to heal when they would not be able to on their own. Similar research is being conducted that would allow the body to fight and possibly even reverse the effects of Parkinson’s disease. 

It’s important to remember that not all of these ideas will end in success, and the ones that are promising may not come to fruition for a long time. However, it is still vital that we remain inspired and continue to move forward towards a brighter and healthier future, which stem cells may very well one day provide.


  1. B. (n.d.). MLB Pitchers Choosing Stem Cell Therapy Over Tommy John Surgery. Retrieved from,mixed%20for%20 
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What are Stem Cells?

Science constantly strives to advance the human race, and one of the most important areas that we have advanced in is the field of health. Since the 1970s, the usage and research of stem cells has proven to be an incredibly useful advancement that we are likely just scratching the surface of. Today we will talk about what stem cells are, where they come from, and some of the amazing things we are able to use them for.

What are Stem Cells?

Most cells in your body serve one specialized purpose. They may be muscle cells, blood cells, or cells that are a part of any organ, tissue, or structure in your body. Stem cells on the other hand are undifferentiated, meaning they do not yet have a specific role. They can however become differentiated, and take on any role in the body. This is important because when a specialized cell in your body dies, a stem cell will be able to step in and replace it and be able to perform the job exactly as the old cell did. 

Stem cells can also divide to form more cells, which can remain as stem cells or become specialized cells just like the original stem cell. This occurs naturally in the body, but scientists are also able to recreate the conditions needed for the stem cells to divide in a lab. This allows them to take advantage of the stem cells ability to replicate indefinitely, something differentiated cells can only do a finite number of times. A single cell in a lab can produce a group of cells called a stem cell line, which will keep growing without specializing. Portions of the line can be taken for storage or for research. 

How are Stem Cells Acquired?

There are a few different kinds of stem cells, each with different ways from which we are able to harvest them. The first kind is embryonic stem cells. These come from voluntarily donated embryos that are left unused during fertility treatments. These embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they are able to become any kind of cell in the body. 

The next type are adult stem cells. These cells are found in most tissues in an adult’s body, waiting for when they are needed to differentiate and take on their duties as a specialized cell. These cells can also be harvested from the body, usually from bone marrow, but they are less numerous and less versatile than their embryonic counterparts. Scientists are however able to reprogram some of these adult cells to act like embryonic cells and become pluripotent. 

Stem cells can also be extracted from the blood of umbilical cords at birth. Like adult stem cells, umbilical cord cells are able to be used in regenerative medicine, but also aren’t as versatile as embryonic stem cells. The umbilical cord fluid is actually much more rich with stem cells than bone marrow while also being quite easy to extract, giving umbilical cord cells a distinct advantage over regular adult stem cells. Stem cells are also found in the amniotic fluid that surrounds a baby in the womb, and research is ongoing into their nature as well as how we may be able to make use of them.

How Can Stem Cells Be Used

Stem cells are commonly used for regenerative medicine, or stem cell therapy. This therapy is usually performed through a bone marrow transplant, which can come from a bone marrow donor or even from your own body. This can be used for a number of reasons, such as to replace bone marrow that is damaged or not working properly. This is commonly used to treat a person that has undergone chemotherapy. It can also fight certain cancers in other ways, by having the new stem cells attack the cells that are cancerous. This stem cell therapy has already been used to treat diseases like leukemia and lymphoma. 

Stem cell therapy can also be used to help someone recover from an injury. Typically this is used to repair injured tissues like muscles, tendons, cartilage, and ligaments. Stem cells can be applied directly to the damaged area during a surgery, but they can also be delivered by injections that are much less invasive than a full surgery. Researchers hope that this can soon be applied to bone injuries, and perhaps even be able to help repair a damaged spinal cord. 

While the things we can already do with stem cells are life changing for many people, the research being put into stem cells may show that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Further discoveries in the field will hopefully allow us to better understand our bodies and the diseases that try to attack us, and develop drugs that will be even more effective in keeping us healthy. The possibilities are so vast that they may even be able to one day help us repair or replace entire organs, fight chronic diseases, correct genetic defects, and help prevent neurological conditions.

Be on the lookout for part 2 where we will discuss some of these possible future developments.